Sunday, September 11, 2011


It has been 10 years since so many people lost loved ones on that terrible september day in 2001. and if you want me to be fully honest, i completely forgot it was 9/11 until I was on my way to church and we passed a big huge event going on with a bunch of mini American flags posted in the grass only sixinches away from each other.
(just a side note. i know the pictures run off the edge of the posting bar, but i wanted to be as bis as possible for you to relly look at them.)

These are costom made flags to honor 9-11 (I didn't take this picture)

After that moment Ireally strated to think about all the people who lost a loved one, I have no doubt many of them are still grieving the loss(es) of loved ones. Over 1000 childred lost on or both parents that day...
 Keep those who lost someone in your prayers.
Las Vegas firefighter Capt. Eric Littmann walks in a parade commemorating the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, Sept. 11, 2011, in Las Vegas, Nev.
A family member of one of the victims of the crash of United Flight 93 walks along a part of the Flight 93 National Memorial following its dedication. The names of the 40 victims of the crash are inscribed on the marble panels.
If you are someone who lost a loved one from 9-11, please know that I am praying for you.

I love all of you. I mean it. Let's make sure to NEVER let this happen again.


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